Saturday, October 23, 2021

Its Been a While

      I started this blog years ago because I needed something to do with my life. I put so much time and effort into finding things I thought others would be interested in, but no one was looking.  I started to try and say things simply and not go into too much detail because I thought people would be more likely to read things that were shorter and more fun. That didn't happen so I stopped writing.

    I have to admit that so much has changed but also stayed the same. I'm bored and unfulfilled in life. I need something. Maybe this blog will interest someone and they'll become a fan. I won't be counting on it. Mostly, though, I feel the need to just express myself before I explode.

    I don't have any real friends. I'd have to say that my closest friend in the past 20 years has been my cat, Kit. I had to have her put down on February 22 2021. She was 16 and it was just her time. I still feel like she's here and expect her to walk into the room at any moment. She always wanted to be in the bathroom with me and I still leave the door open for her when I shower.  

    Since then my closest friend has been my younger sister. She may get bored and read this at some point so I feel like she needs a code name or something...  Lets call her Mrs. Ronas. She made that name up when we were kids. She couldn't actually read yet, but she was making up a story based on the pictures. Hopefully she remembers and it embarrasses her a little. :) 

    We did NOT get along as kids. I'm pretty sure she hated me and I was for sure jealous of her. I felt like she took my moms favor when she was born and it really bothered me.  She tells me that it wasn't the picnic I imagined, but that's a whole HUGE other story. As adults we've gotten closer though. We both love our cats like we birthed them and she has her own Kit name Jugga.  

    I'm not really sure what the point of this post is other that to say that I'm back. I don't know how often I'll post or what they'll even be about. I just hope that this time around it feels more like it's for and about me and my interests. 

    Until I find something to write about, stay curious.

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